Friday, February 20, 2009

That relationship quiz

What are your middle names?

Mine's Dawn, his is Donald.

How long have you been together?

Since July 2001 - 7 and a half years.

How long did you know each other before you started dating?

A couple of weeks? We met July 8, had our first date ten days later.

Who asked whom out?

He definitely asked me. And he had to ask more than once because the first time he asked, a few days after we first met, he kind of scared me since he showed up at the B&B where I was living for the summer and I hadn't told him I lived there. My boss told him where I lived.

How old are each of you?

I'm 28. He's 38.

Whose siblings do you see the most?

Surprisingly, right now, mine. My brother lives in Regina, but comes home relatively often. His brother lives in Montreal and we don't always see them when we visit Quebec. We used to see his brother much more often - almost once a month.

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?

Family relationships.

Did you go to the same school?

No. We went to school in different provinces, in very different systems.

Are you from the same hometown?

Not even close. He's from a small city in Quebec; I'm from a small city in New Brunswick.

Who is smarter?

I don't know. I'm better with numbers and with remembering how things work. My memory, in general, is better. We both write well. He teaches kids, which is not something I'm great at. I think we're pretty evenly matched in many ways. He is, however, holder of the bigger brain in Big Brain Academy.

Who is the most sensitive?

He is. I'm kind of... well... immune to many things that hurt the sensitive.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?

Opera Bistro, I guess. Though we often eat out at the Sampan, the nearest (and best) Chinese restaurant.

Where is the furthest you've traveled as a couple?

Las Vegas, which is where we were married.

Who has the craziest exes?

He does.

Who has the worst temper?

A lot of people would say me, but I blow my top in a spectacular manner only when I'm really, really pissed. Bill blows his top on a smaller scale over stuff that isn't worth the string of swear words, which means he blows his top several times a week.

Who does the cooking?

We both do.

Who is the neat-freak?

He is. Clutter bothers me, to a point, but he gets weirded out by a little bit of detrius on the floor and starts on about how Social Services is going to close us down (see above, re: temper).

Who is more stubborn?

I am. Hands down.

Who hogs the bed?

He does, but he'll never admit it. He also hogs the duvet, which makes me insane, but he won't acknowledge that he's the one who yanked it diagonnally, even though it's hanging off the side of the bed near his head.

Who wakes up earlier?

He does. But he has to go to work right now. And he likes to make it sound like I sleep in and lie about in bed, but I get up at 7:30 almost every morning.

Where was your first date?

At Pizzicato in Sherbrooke. He learned I was lactose-intolerant that night.

Who is more jealous?

He is. I don't stress about that stuff.

How long did it take you to get serious?

Not long. We did the long distance thing from September to May, that first year, then I moved in with him. He asked me to marry him around about our first anniversary.

Who eats more?

He does. But really, I can put him under the table easily when it comes to certain foods.

Who does the laundry?

We both do, due to a division of labour after I freaked when he shrunk a brand new sweater beyond recognition. He tried to lay the blame on me leaving it on the laundry basket with other clothes. I said that if he can't read the labels on clothes, it's his own problem. Hence, he does his own laundry and I do mine. We split the kids, but I tend to do the baby's more.

Who's better with the computer?

I am. But I grew up in a house full of computer geeks and learned print production at school.

Who drives when you are together?

He does, usually, though we split on trips. And I have been known to yell at him for telling me he's too tired/dizzy/not feeling it after he's already behind the wheel.

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